File Not Found Background

File Not Found Background ID

The background ID for File Not Found is 002DFD1A.



To add the File Not Found background to your character, open the command console by pressing the tilde key ~ and enter the following command.

player.addperk 002DFD1A

Alternatively, use the slm player command to open the character creation menu to change your background (along with traits and looks).


Oddly, there is no information on file about your past life. Clerical oversight? Deletion by some powerful unknown faction? Or was there just nothing of note to mention? Whatever the reason, your past is known only to you. What's important is the here and now, and the path you're about to forge...

Starting Skills

Each background in Starfield starts with three skills. The File Not Found background starts with the following skills:


By embracing an active lifestyle and good nutrition habits, one may improve their overall sense of health, and even gain prolonged life expectancy.


Centuries of conflict have proven that when it comes to threat elimination, few things stack up to the reliable power of high-speed projectiles.


As more people journey into space, the number of those certified to effectively pilot various types of spacecraft has increased dramatically.

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