Piloting Skill ID

Skill ID for Piloting in Starfield.

Piloting Skill ID


The skill ID for Piloting is 002CFCAC.



To add the Piloting skill to your character without leveling up or spending a skill point, open the command console by pressing the tilde key ~ and enter the following command.

player.addperk 002CFCAC

Enter the above command again to unlock an additional rank. Entering it four times will unlock the rank Piloting skill.

To remove the Piloting skill from your character, use the following command.

player.removeperk 002CFCAC


Rank 1
You can now utilize ship thrusters.None.
Rank 2
Increased ship turning rate and maneuverability.Destroy 5 ships.
Rank 3
Unlocks the ability to pilot Class B ships.Destroy 15 ships.
Rank 4
Unlocks the ability to pilot Class C ships.Destroy 30 ships.
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As more people journey into space, the number of those certified to effectively pilot various types of spacecraft has increased dramatically.


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Ballistic Weapon Systems

While there have been significant advancements in ship-borne weaponry, sometimes the simplest tool is the most effective.

Boost Assault Training

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Boost Pack Training

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EM Weapon Systems

In the hands of a capable pilot, no weapons can disable an enemy ship faster than those that deliver electromagnetic damage.

Energy Weapon Systems

In the 24th century, advancements in energy weapons technology have revolutionized combat, as much in space as on the ground.

Engine Systems

Space is Both vast and dangerous, and the ability to push a ship's engine to increase speed can be done safely and effectively, with the right training.

Missile Weapon Systems

In space, few weapons can match the range and destructive power of missiles, especially in the hands of a skilled tactician.

Particle Beam Weapon Systems

Ship weapons utilizing particle beam technology are the preferred choice for captains who prefer to damage multiple ship systems at once.


Any pilot can haul cargo, but it takes special determination and training to maximize cargo space.


As more people journey into space, the number of those certified to effectively pilot various types of spacecraft has increased dramatically.


In an age where roBots and autonomous turrets are employed in a combat capacity, the study of roBotics can be instrumental in gaining a tactical edge.


While the standardized digital locking mechanism is renowned for its security, any code can be broken with the proper training.

Shield Systems

Regardless of the power allocated by the reactor, a ship's shields can be further bolstered by direct manipulation of the system's harmonics.

Starship Design

As with "car culture" on Earth centuries ago, there are those who pride themselves on the ability to modify their own spaceships.

Starship Engineering

It takes skilled hands to not only make a ship's systems more resistant to damage, but to repair those systems efficiently when damage does occur.

Targeting Control Systems

Missile weapons are favored because they can lock onto an enemy ship, but an intimate knowledge of tracking systems can make them even more effective.

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