Chef Background

Chef Background ID

The background ID for Chef is 0022EC7F.



To add the Chef background to your character, open the command console by pressing the tilde key ~ and enter the following command.

player.addperk 0022EC7F

Alternatively, use the slm player command to open the character creation menu to change your background (along with traits and looks).


While the unrefined masses scarfed down Chunks by the shipload, you catered to those with a more... discerning palate. In your kitchen, countless alien species became true culinary masterpieces.

Starting Skills

Each background in Starfield starts with three skills. The Chef background starts with the following skills:


Access to brand new worlds means access to brand new ingredients, and there is almost no limit to the delicious foods and drinks a talented chef can prepare.


Considered by many to be a lost art, close attacks with a melee weapon can often be deadlier than ranged combat when carried out by a skilled practitioner.


There are those who can find just about anything, and their success is usually dependent on knowing how, and where, to look,

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