Starfield Actor Values

A searchable list of all Starfield actor values.

Actor values (often abbreviated as AV) refer to the numerical values that represent the attributes, skills, and stats of a character or NPC in the game. These values determine various aspects of the character's abilities, such as their health, stamina, carry weight, and more.

Use the GetAV command to get the current value of an AV and the GetAVInfo command to get details about an AV. Use the SetAV command to set the value of an AV the the ModAV command to modify the value of an AV. Use DamageActorValue to damage the value of an AV in a more temporary way than modAV.

Command Builder

Select the command you wish to use, the actor value you with to modify or get, and the value you wish to set it to (if relevant).

player.getav <Actor Value>
Actor Value
Search our database of 1,223 Starfield actor values.
1,223 results