RemoveAllItems Console Command

Documentation and detailed help with working examples.

RemoveAllItems Command

To target your character, use the command below:

This command remove all items from a character's inventory.

Argument Information

The syntax for this Starfield command is as follows:

Reference ID

The reference ID of the character from whose inventory you wish to remove all items. This is optional. You can alternatively click on the character and then enter the command RemoveAllItems.

In-Depth Description

The removeallitems command is used to remove of every item from a character's or container's inventory, providing a quick way to clear out storage spaces or inventories.

  1. Player's inventory: To clear your own character's inventory, enter: player.removeallitems.
  2. Specific NPC's inventory: To clear a particular NPC's inventory, click on them with the console open or use their specific ID, followed by the command: removeallitems. You can alternatively enter the command followed by the character's reference ID. For example, to clear the inventory of the NPC with the reference ID 0001C1A3, you would enter: removeallitems 0001C1A3.

This command offers a quick solution for tidying up cluttered inventories, especially after long gameplay sessions.

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Quick Overview

E.g., player.removeallitems will remove all items from your character's inventory or "removeallitems <click on character> for remove all items of particular character. Optionally, after the command, enter the reference ID of an actor or container to transfer all the items in question into the referred actor/container. Also see duplicateallitems

Command Builder

Adjust the settings below to automatically generate a command. Once you have the inputs you want, click the copy button and paste it into the console in Starfield.
Reference ID



This command will remove all items from your character's inventory.


This command will remove all items from the targeted character.

removeallitems 0062e3f5

This command will remove all items from the character with the reference ID of 0062e3f5.


  • Open the console: Press the tilde key ~ to open the console. This key is generally near the 1 and Esc keys.
  • Case insensitive: Commands are not case sensitive. This means you can enter them using lowercase or uppercase letters.
  • Target commands: Commands that are highlighted as a 'target' command can be used to target your own character or an NPC/object. To target your own character, type player. followed by the command. To target an NPC/object, click on the it and then type the command.
  • Leading zeros: All IDs, reference IDs, base IDs, etc. can be entered without the leading zeros. For example 00003348 can be entered as 3348.
  • Additional help: For more help on using console commands in Starfield go here.
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