RecycleActor Console Command

Documentation and detailed help with working examples.

RecycleActor Command

To target your character, use the command below:

This command revives or resets the targeted NPC or object.

In-Depth Description

NPCs: Using the command on NPCs can bring them back to life.

However, there are potential side effects:

  • NPCs might return without their heads, especially Nords.
  • The inventory of the NPC isn't completely reset; they will retain most items, but their weapon will be reset.
  • Enemies will prioritize attacking NPCs from opposing factions and will ignore the player until those enemies are defeated.

Containers: When used on containers, the command behaves similarly to resetinventory, resetting the contents of the container.

Objects: The command can be used to reset objects to their original state and position. This is especially useful if an object has been displaced or altered and you want to return it to its original state.

Player: If the command is used on the player character, their inventory remains unchanged.

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Quick Overview

The recycleactor command in Starfield is used to revive or reset the state of an NPC or object to its original form.



This is the only way to the use the RecycleActor command.


  • Open the console: Press the tilde key ~ to open the console. This key is generally near the 1 and Esc keys.
  • Case insensitive: Commands are not case sensitive. This means you can enter them using lowercase or uppercase letters.
  • Target commands: Commands that are highlighted as a 'target' command can be used to target your own character or an NPC/object. To target your own character, type player. followed by the command. To target an NPC/object, click on the it and then type the command.
  • Leading zeros: All IDs, reference IDs, base IDs, etc. can be entered without the leading zeros. For example 00003348 can be entered as 3348.
  • Additional help: For more help on using console commands in Starfield go here.
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