Diplomat Background

Diplomat Background ID

The background ID for Diplomat is 0022EC7B.



To add the Diplomat background to your character, open the command console by pressing the tilde key ~ and enter the following command.

player.addperk 0022EC7B

Alternatively, use the slm player command to open the character creation menu to change your background (along with traits and looks).


The wars are over. Peace now reigns the Settled Systems. But only because there are those quietly fighting to keep it. Because of you, agreements were signed. words were heeded... lives were spared.

Starting Skills

Each background in Starfield starts with three skills. The Diplomat background starts with the following skills:


In the Settled Systems, the nuanced ability to listen and discuss can often accomplish far more than simply shooting first and asking questions later.


In the Settled Systems' free market economy, almost anyone with the right skillset can open and run a successful business.


By embracing an active lifestyle and good nutrition habits, one may improve their overall sense of health, and even gain prolonged life expectancy.

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