Finding Quest IDs in Starfield

To find a quest ID:

  1. SQT: Use the sqt command to show current quest targets. Locate the one you want to find the ID for. For example, the console should display something like this:
Current quest: MQ101
1 current targets
Target 1: Reference: (0013D2E4)

In this case, the current quest is MQ101.

  1. Help: Type help followed by the quest name. For example, help MQ101. Replace MQ101 with the name of your quest. The console should display something like this:
QUST: MQ101 (00003448) 'One Small Step'
QUST: MQ101LandingENcounter01 (00068EA8)
QUST: MQ101SpaceEncounter01 (000143B4)
QUST: MQ101SpaceEncounter02 (00023187)

You will see several lines. The ones that start with "QUST" are the quest related ones.

Use the PageUp and PageDown keys to scroll through the results.

For example, the ID for the quest "MQ101LandingENcounter01" is 00068EA8.